Tl;dr: Storipress can deliver to Enterprise a better performing solution that would otherwise cost us upwards of $10,000/month for $50/month.
What is multitenancy?
Multitenancy is when customers share cloud resources. It can be achieved when:
An operator deploying multiple independent instances of one instance to cater to different customers (containerised) or;
When a single application instance powers numerous customers (native).
Multitenancy is essential as, firstly, it automates the creation and onboarding of new customers on a hosting platform, reducing DevOps overhead and indirect costs.
Secondly, it saves compute resources by having customers share compute power.
Due to WordPress being a dinosaur, native multitenancy is poorly supported / not genuinely scalable. WordPress hosts operate WordPress using the containerised approach, whereby multitenancy is achieved by spinning up multiple duplicate instances of WordPress for each customer. This approach:
Wastes compute power;
Is complex to set up and scale; and
Is expensive to set up to be scalable.
Multitenancy on Storipress
Extending the JAMstack architecture, Storipress takes JAMstack one step further by combining all customers inside one 'instance' and having that instance scale up and down using serverless functions.
Combining all customers in 1 'instance' reduces compute overhead (illustrated below) and indirect costs (DevOps) by simplifying deployment + scaling.
In addition to the above, Storipress operates on a shared user between-tenants model, meaning that one user can have multiple publications (tenants). To do this, Storipress syncs resources in real-time across various tenant databases, meaning that users of Storipress' publishing platform can now use one login to access limitless publications on Storipress, all without Storipress having to provision additional compute power overhead.
The best thing about this is that we pass these savings onto you by letting you create multiple publications on a single plan.
Finally, the icing on the cake is that by replacing VPSs with serverless functions, Storipress can instantly scale, with to-the-millisecond level granularity, the exact amount of compute needed.
Architecturally, Storipress is the most compute-efficient and performant CMS possible with current technology, both in terms of direct and indirect (scaling, DevOps) costs.